

i feel alone
The girl that i am now
I've always felt alone and keep asking how?
How is it i give support but receive none
Since this journey called life begun

Growing up I've always been supportive
And yeah somethings do get distractive
Well im talking bad vibes wise
Because life is full of suprises

Im that girl who'll hold your hand no matter what
I've always been the advisor cause i got the gut
Thats one thing im never letting go
When it comes to me advicing im never saying NO

Me being me ive always enjoyed listening
And ive always loved talking
I find it helpful to talking out your feelings
But thats one thing i can't do , talking bout my dealings

Im not an open book that anybody can read
And i know thats all in my head
Because its possible to talk and let all the emotions out
But im that one person i got doubts

Sometimes talking helps sometimes not
Thats what i believe and never forgot
The fact that you can talk
But what if you talking to a wrong person , just take a walk

I sometimes take a walk and talk alone
Letting my mind communicate with my heart on their own
Because when people see me hurting they don't care
They don't care to ask whats wrong and i find it unfair

I feel alone because people when i cry they look away
But i just kneel down and pray
Because God will never look away from me .
And i can guarantee

Sometimes we feel alone but we truly not
We do feel alone but thats not all you got
JESUS listens and responds
Create that bond

Nowadays i no more care about who doesnt care
Because i know God is aware
And he'll answer my prayers
He sees my tears

I dont feel alone anymore
Because my god is here and he'll never ignore