

Night time, That time..
I sleep but something touches my hips
with wonder I open my eyes
huh! I gasp, what? I ask
shhhh! keep quiet
open your legs
Confused but I beg
my heart panting
my chest raising

About to scream he senses
His hands landing on my mouth
ssshhhh! I say
His hand sliding
my pant yanking
my eyes bulging
I begin to struggle
His knees on my tiny hands

A hard object pressing
A sharp vibration
A forceful thrusting
ssshhh! you ll be fine
The pain unbearable
He stands and at me he says
Not a word to anybody
Not even to your birth giver
In silence I remain
Trembling in pain

courage I summon
to my birth giver I tell
shhhhh!! that's not true
Go inside
Not a word to the world
In pain i sleep
In fear I live

Blezzy Deks.