

An invitation came
It was an unexpected one
It barged into my phone with a beep
A strange shock on my face after the scrolling hands halted,
A crazy laughter erupted from my depths,
A cacophony of joy, fear and surprise,
Insecurity hovers in the air,
An answer to a prayer of old,
Neglect tried to set in,
Reasons to excel thrived,
Bags packed with flat hope,
Empty pockets instantly seemed pregnant,
A good sign to continue.

An invitation of ultimatum,
A Tuesday call for Wednesday,
Calls of assurance and reprimand,
Spirit brazen for a journey unknown,
Blessed with sienna,
An used means of transportation,
With companions so amazing ,
Our four wheels zoomed off,
A compulsory handover of wheels to Abba,
Some meters of silence,
Then quiet chatter and careful laughter,
The tensed air of formality had eased, Funny chatter and mad laughter,
A jocular male wouldn't cease to amaze.

An unusual kinship is formed,
Five strangers and a good driver,
Except for a sleeping lady who refused to be kin,
A pack of newbies and oldies to the north,
A fair dame and myself, the newbies,
Prefer to be called a half newbie,
As I threaded this path ten years ago,
Coincidentally having similar destinations with dame,
A call of optional duty, A call of obligation,
Sleep unconsciously eluded us all,
As stories and lessons flew in the air,
Even surprising our weak bodies ,
Our smiles and laughter,
Shielded our minds from settling on bad roads,
A calm peace and safety took over,
Despite the national insecurity.

At hold ups,we felt like stars,
Or the only travelers on the road,
As hawkers of varieties flooded our windows,
Like it was a force to patronize all.
The laughing gas in me refused to stay in,
As I marvelled at the sights,
Sleep finally won our willing bodies,
My body was thankful cos it had been an old travel customer.

As trees and mountains ran pass us,
I wished I had a camera,
Moving pictures of people dressed in jalabia gracing my eyes,
Reminded us we were in the north.

An unexpected welcome,
Sadly,our journey still lay miles ahead,
Our mouths savoured our goodies,
Stomachs announcing their satisfaction,
A journey far into the north,
A climatic warning to get ready,
As my hairs reacted to the chilly cold,
Right under my light jacket,
A sweet welcome to the F.C.T,
But I was forewarned that the real cold
lay quietly awaiting my arrival in my final destination.

But my body turned to the window,
As my eyes drank in the bright night,
My phone was not left out,
As pictures of the night beauty were taken,
Our car halted,My host picked me,
And we headed to my first abode.

(2nd Attempt @ #TravelWriting)

© Chinnyfab