

cage 2
Cage part 2
Some people just trap on there own mind. No matter what the reality is.They just think what the show in there immediate environment.
from childhood memories we heard "Mann ka gulam mat bano mann ko aapna gulam banao" .
Even if when I talk about people who over think.
First answer why do one overthink?
And when ever ones overthink what di they exactly think?
More than 99% of over thinker just think about past or future. Some had bad memories or good they just trap there. Don't want to get ride of it.
While another just trap thinking of future.
In future they want to buy house car have good life partner etc. A thinker is always think about past and future.
But what one forget is ti live in present.

Why it is so important to live in present?
Because the present someday will become past and the upcoming future. will become past. But the past time can not live again.
See around you
what you see. Your family your friends some dying plant in your garden, throwing toys and things here and there.
When did you just have long conversation with your loved ones.Everyday in our busy schedule we are just listing yourself.
even if you improved all your future what you just don't lived jovial moment's with your loved ones by giving them time.
In school students were engaged in extra curricular activities sports,dance quiz but now in our 20s or 30 s what we are just doing?
Becoming a over thinker
Why do people over think?
Because they just fail to focus contrate there mind. They are been controlled by there mind.

Why do one get controlled by there mind?
Because if imbalance of energy flowing in one's body.
When I say energy is also include energy present in form of cosmos energy present in your environment.
Yes there are so much of energy of universe which are flowing around you.
You can heal using this kind of energy.
Reiki healing is one of such example where a practitioner uses universe energy to heal.
Reiki is Japanese technique which is been practice since years. our ancestors filled with knowledge isn't it?

The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energyReiki is a type of energy healing. According to practitioners, energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness.

Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure. Reiki practitioners believe that improving the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.
You want to know the value of these energy , check the little dried flower with rekie masters yes it is possible to rejoining that flower.
When flowers is attach to plants How does it look fresh. But why ? Because that flower is getting all necessary nutrition for sustaining there life.
At product if these nutrition is to give atp energy.Yes same energy is possible to make flow from universe ti dried flowers and make it look as it is on plant.But it will take lots of courage to handle big energy which is not possible by a common people.
But this sentence is enough to show you how strong are the energy around you are effective.

There are different types of aura healing too which uses universe energy to heal.
Why healing is so important.Even if a person is fully healthy by physical appearance it is not necessary that they are healthy from mind too yes there is very much chances of mentally sick.
Your mental state is very much dependent on energy flowing to you from your environment and universe.
Yes there is different between environment energy and universe energy
Universe energy are natural they are been created by nature which keeps flowing the way they want but environment energy are the energy generated by humans action.
like dirty room gives negative energy flow to body where as clean room with beautiful fragrance gives positive energy flow to body.
Similarly argument in House generate negative aura whereas happiness, laughter sounds create positive auro in home.
Meats are dead creatures obviously host that too without a life are always decaying and consuming it give negative Aura to mind and...