

I proved you wrong
I proved you wrong
you told me I'd be nothing.
I'd be nobody,
but you were wrong.
I turned out ok,
not just ok,
but better than you.
I am happy
you never were.
I am lived,
you never were.
I did better in life,
as a parent .
You never did.
I proved you wrong.
I found my own way,
my own family,
one that loved me.
I proved you wrong
I am not like you,
I did not have to talk
down to my babies.
You did
My babies love me
you did not
My babies will always need,
you never did.
I proved you wrong.
In so many ways
I wish you the best
in what little life you
have leftI will see you again,
on the other side,
even if I have to prove
you wrong.
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