

War Cry
She said she miss
her long hairs.
She said she miss
her milk filled breast.

Once the young,
the beautiful
elegant lady
is now an old woman.

The love she gave to,
The care she did for
her child, who is
long gone now.

She cries but says nothing.
She smiles to hide her fear.
She waits for his child,
to see him smile.

Some days later,
The bell rings.
Smiles the mother.
She opens the door,
her wait is now over.

Wrapped in flag,
graced with honour,
the kid arrives
with closed eyes.

Like father like son
The kid had left
to prove his worth.
The kid fought valiantly
but died on the front.

#Writco #poetry #poetryenglish #war #loss #kunba #thehellishvisionshow

© Kunba_The Hellish Vision Show