

When the game is over...
When the game is over so it's said
The king and pawn return to same box
This is a fallacy of an analogy made up
For my life was not just static but astir
With no predetermined set of directions
Like a Pawn that moves directly forward,
Never backward or not even to the side Or king that can move only one square
In any direction, confined and restricted
My life is about free will, grit and volition
Not incumbent upon being moved around
Like a Pawn or puppet on a string
A vehemently no! My destiny is my own
I will not rest in the same box as the rest
My choices determines where I'll retire
Time, energy well spent will lead one
To that fork on the road to help settle
The dust and destiny of the road traveled
As I refuse to be thrown in the same box
Like a passive pawn and king in the sunset

© Baipedi Christina Tebogo Mosebi