

Out-Of-The-Nursery Rhymes
Little Bo Peep has lost her sleep
while caring for her baby.
Give her a break, the baby take,
So she can find it, maybe.

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
great overweight made the structure fall.
All of his exercise paid off when
he safely sat on the wall again.

Diddle, diddle dumpling, criminal John
Went to the chair with electric on.
If more were trained in the highchair then,
less would be chained to this chair as men.

Peter, Peter, loved a cheater,
Had a wife but couldn’t keep her.
When she left, his fortune fell.
Broke his heart and bank as well.

Toddler Mary, quite contrary,
Temper is quick to show.
A sturdy smack on her lower back
will make her much sweeter, you know.

Hey, diddle diddle, I’ll give you a riddle.
Our government pays the bum.
The working man does the best he can.
But the bum doesn’t lift a thumb.
The government man buys a stove and pan
Eats the meat and the cakes on the griddle.
And he feeds the jerks yet he never works.
So where are the dollars from??

There was an old lady who needed care
like all of the elderly everywhere.
While prisoners are treated like kings in a cell,
no help was around when the lady fell.

Jack and Jill are fighting still,
tempers hot and hotter.
When in doubt, work it out,
she’ll be glad you got her.

Hickory Dickory dock,
Time gone with each tick-tock.
Use wise your day. Life slips away
Like seconds on the clock.

© Loretta Shively
#nurseryrhymes #funny #MotherGoose