

Tomorrow is a New Day
They say tomorrow is a new day

But I don’t think I’m going to be there

I don’t think that I should stay

They say joy comes in the morning

But I don’t think that I can wait

I’m too tired to stay awake

I don’t want to be here

Lately, I’ve been thinking

That I feel so empty inside

Is this why I’m sinking?

My bottles are empty

Maybe I should start drinking

I don’t think I want to be here

No pills can take away the pain

No drink strong enough

I don’t want to be here

I’m not strong enough- I can’t take the shame

Only death can give me peace again

I don’t think I should be here

Am I so invisible?

Why can't nobody see me drowning?

I just need a little air

Someone to remind me why I am here

Am I supposed to be here?

Help me!

Someone just help me

Someone help me, please!

They say tomorrow is a new day

What if I want to stay?
© thatweirdislandgirljm