

Disappointed Myself
Disappointed myself,
Oh how I've let myself down
Feeling lost and confused,
With a heavy heart I frown

I had such high hopes,
And dreams so bright
But somewhere along the way,
I lost my inner light

I promised to do better,
To be the best I could be
But now I'm filled with regret,
And it's hard to face reality

I let my fears hold me back,
And doubts consume my mind
I played it safe,
And left my ambitions behind

Now I'm left with shattered goals,
And a sense of defeat
I've disappointed myself,
And it's a bitter pill to eat

But I won't stay here in this place,
Of sadness and despair
I'll pick myself up,
And try again, I swear

For I am more than my mistakes,
And failures don't define me
I'll learn from this disappointment,
And come back stronger, you'll see

So I'll dust myself off,
And start a new chapter
For I refuse to let disappointment,
Be my forever captor

I'll keep moving forward,
With determination and pride
For I may have disappointed myself,
But I won't let it be my guide.