

Nature 🏞️
Lush, green meadows,
Brimming with fragrant flowers,
Borderlands to joy,
Pathways to success,
In the companionship of,
Family and friends...
till the end ,
Feeling the hues of the nature !
adoring the humanity ,
admiring the well being of life....
as being kind and happy,
Look for the good in others !
except their flaws,
as accepting the truth ,
no one is perfect ,
Be happy without any regret .....
Pray to God for giving us a wonderful life!
Set goals in the sky high .....
but never be shy and sigh ,
yes , you're all blessed....
with the best !

Keep dreaming high and admire though value the life and the things , gifted to us by God !
Waheguru 🥀🙏✨🌸

© poetrybynancy