

The Stranger

We were once a singular being
Nothing could've torn us apart
But that was my way of seeing
I thought I'd captured your heart
You never had the same feelings
Must've been a game from the start

I remember those summer nights
The two of us by the lake alone,
Except for a singing bird or
Occasional fish leaping from his home
Remember how peaceful it would be
I'd try to feel your heartbeat as
we'd drift off to sleep
Always left me speechless how my hearts beat was perfectly matched by your own
I thought it meant we were soul mates
Predestined together, forever more
Now you gather your belongings
Neatly placing them by the door
Your outward appearance has changed
Your movements seem unrecognizable
How aren't you feeling any pain
Where is she, where'd you hide her?
In a tearful final sentence I say
"You were still my baby earlier today"
The stranger gives a look of pity
Turns towards the door and walks away

© strictsum