

the broken road.
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey that's given me strength, and made me the person iam today.

I'm nobody special, just very different from the rest, I don't judge it's not my place. as I myself have made many mistakes.

I've done things I'm not too proud tòo admit. I'm far perfect, something I never forget. never forget where I've came from.

I've been hurt more times than I can count, always quick to forgive, I've helped, and given all I had, with very little in return.

my loyalty is rare, my intentions have always been good. I always mean well, but always misunderstood by most.

I grew up in a broken home, neglected, and unloved, with nowhere to go, noone to turn too.

I questioned my existence, even as a young child. wondering why me. what was life's purpose .

I seen things and been through thing's no human should ever have too see, let alone go through.

The pain I endured, gave me strength, today I now stand stronger than I've ever been.

I now know my purpose for my place here on earth, it's to help others, see and know they are worth it.

let them know they are never alone, no matter what, they have a reason , and a purpose, just like everyone else.

life has never been easy, we all go through thing's, some harder than others, and that's ok.

I don't regret anything I've ever been through, or the choices I made. it's only made me the person iam today.

I often wonder how I ever survived, but I now know the only answer is by the grace of God, is why I stand here today.

there is a plan, and a reason for each and everyone of us, what we go through is all part of the plan.

I turned a once negative situation, into a positive way, of helping those who are broken, and see noway out.

I show them better days are ahead, giving up isn't an option. nothing lasts forever, pain is temporary.

life is what we make it, we make our own decisions, we can stay down in our own misery, or stand up, and lead the life we want.

I'm living proof that life, can and will get better, only if you want it too.

it's been a long journey ahead, thing's haven't been the best, but it could be worse. as long is we're not dead, theirs always a chance for an new beginning.

By: Elizabeth Smith!!