

Hey, Hi
I am from your Vanity Kit,
Do you remember me?
I am your LipStick,
These days you are not looking at me the same way,
Together we used to slay,
You have collected one of each brand name,
From the peak to the lame.
I have been noticing you are chosing these shadow palettes a bit more,
Mascara,winged liner you assure,
You are focusing just your eyes,
lips are curving down in surprise,
Why are you covering your pout behind that cloth with strings?
Is even showcasing them now stings?
Come on babe,You keep them pursed anyways!!
How can it be a harm?
It was about your charm?
Wait a minute..
Are you making a room for whispering in between?
Amazing girl!!
You finally found a solution.
I am happy for your evolution.
I am ready to wait till you come back.
Or add me along I will only add the shine,shimmer and gloss in the dark,
I promise will never leave a mark.

© PUJA_typing