

You and I, We never die!
When I try to express my thoughts,
about you,
my language becomes naive
as I've trapped in a world,
where they speak no language.
When I think about you, my heart
pounds as I've run thousand miles.
Your eyes sparkle
as the stars that shine,
like diamonds in the sky.
You held my hand, you looked at me,
you gave my eyes a free journey,
to a heart full of violets, roses and
rainbows with magic and blue heal-alls!
you are a healer you are a lover,
you are an angle maybe the heaven
sent to me!
The memories which we've shared,
must never see the dark and Hades,
please don't come to our precious,
treasure of memories.
Death is not the end,
you and I are inseparable,
The pure green leaves,
The sky which seems like a
Dark satin dress
with silver diamonds,
The crystal clear dew drops,
Undying trees and the wind,
that wanders around the world,
will safeguard our memories,
for an eternity and protect them,
like a treasure in the vast powerful

© @Paro