

You Found Me
You found me wheelchair bound, crippled and said I'm a beaut..
You had my heart arrhythmic,skipping a beat...
You had my mind running in the world of wonder
For I was a stranger to extolments,
Accustomed to ridicule, jocularity and derision...
I always took compliments as sarcasm.

You found me in the midst of a dark tunnel,
hopeless, and told me that there's light at the end...
Was baffled by how a stranger could play "friend"
For I was a stranger to solacement,
Accustomed to being kicked when I'm down
And spitted on.

You found my heart in stitches and said you love me with my brokenness
Said you'd wait a decade if I needed to heal first
That's when it hit me that you wasn't driven by thirst
Was awed 'cause I was a stranger to eagerness and patience
Accustomed to cavemen and their impatience

You found me skyclad with my flaws and said you love me naked...
That stole my heart
I was all smiles and blushy, I couldn't fake it...
For I was a stranger to admiration,
Accustomed to being shaded and hated

I swear nothing feels better than how you make me feel
Not even paradise
I love you


© Tjebane M.B