


I sit and think with perfect and simple dignity now that I have been set free.

Poetic justice provides me with immense relief,
As it alleviates all restless torment and liberates
one from the senseless fears that linger obsolete,

I found outstanding relief in taking further actions
as if they were my last,

I found abounding relief as rage followed outrage,
I no longer stood aghast.

I had to lay aside all reckless sentiments,
the reluctant commands of reason,
and misgiving with the portion given to me in the past.

I must rise with confidence,
To face myself as fierce as a panther in triumph on lone paths.
It's not safe being separated from nature or without an involution by divine providence,
But before I could lead the orchestra within the mind,
I must first turn my back on the audience.

As my fears disappeared wholly like a blown-out flame,
I make way for the one,
The half-used candle that will set this whole world aflame.
All I fear destroyed all I feared.
I could see that I was capable of the same.

It's romantic despair that won't go away,
Fear that no woman will come to my rescue or cheer on one's performance on stage.

I’m left to fend for myself
Against my worst enemy while one's courage and love are locked away in a mental cage.
For when one’s emotions and flesh disappear,
it is his Soul that stays.
As time goes by-the soul remains unseen,
disregarded, and alone in the dark.
My flesh shrivels like paper thrust into a flame where there was no spark.

My heart sank into depression,
lightyears away,
like a knife deep into one's chest,
until I face myself-it will be an ache that I can’t repress.

The tears fell from my face,
Like wax before the fire,
waters poured down to a steep dark place,
To the soul,
I Am underneath.
It's feels like no one will ever see
Yet I hope someone will know
From thence, all things flow,
and it is where I sleep.

The fear that after all is said and done,
no one will ask me how I feel,
No one hears my testimony,
one's secrets don't get revealed.

I'm terrified that, once again,
someone must feel the same hurt and pain I bear,
The biggest fear is that I too,
will no longer care.

Weary wind, who wandered like the world's rejected,
I must outface the winds and persecutions of the sky.
Not twice should one outface oneself,
even though it was one’s day to die.

Uplifting the soul as on dovelike wings,
white like flame,
and then once again, the soul flies.

My biggest fear is not defeating myself but knowing what will happen when I try.