

"Dreams Grow Old"
🌟 Imagine if,
At age nine, you could choose your fate,
Dreams in hand, like a menu at a cosmic cafe.
Yet as we age, reality hits like a tidal wave,
Regrets loom, like unwelcome shadows.

🌈 Childhood wishes were whimsical, outlandish things,
Now grown, they slip through our grasp like sand.
Your dream job, once enchanting, now a cruel mirage,
Dreams may elude me, but Disney still enchants my soul.

💼 The world tips its hat to those who love their toil,
They find joy in their labor, but riches are scarce.
💰 While others toil just to keep their pockets full.
In life's garden of roses, some find thorns beneath the blooms,
And perhaps, that's why we rest our loved ones under floral canopies,
🌷 While they still breathe.
© camvickbone