

The Importance of Books
◆ What is the real importance of books in life ?
Ans ~ The real importance books is that , wherever you go or wherever you need the things to be happened , the basic knowledge of the books is very important in real life .

◆ Do we really need to agree their importance ??
Ans ~ Yes we must respect our books everytime , cause they are the reason of our success in life .

◆ Some people don't love to read books , they hate reading books . What is the best solution for them for this ??
Ans ~ If you , or anybody else don't love to read books , then that is the most unlucky things for them . If you are really not interested in books, then you must try reading your favourite topic books which include like horror , adventure , love and etc. But read books and don't hate them .

◆ Is it good to read inappropriate topic in the books ? ( like horror or something very inappropriate ) ??
Ans ~ No not at all . You must read books , but it doesn't mean that you can read any inappropriate topics included in the books . You must read books about Nature , Gratitude and some inspirational stories .

◆ Why books are so important ?
Ans ~ They are very much important in our life . We must read some novels or some inspirational books not just for knowing the story or recalling it , but we should read them to improve our grammar skills and reading skills too .

◆ Which are the topics that you should highly recommend to read ?
Ans ~ The highly recommended topics of books are ~ "GRATITUDE" , "WORD POWER " and Panchantantra stories , that you must read them at least in a week .

◆ The one who reads books very much , they are called as studious . Why is it so ?
Ans ~ They are very much Intelligent peoples , and the most important thing is that they love to read books . If you also want to be an Intelligent man / women then you must start loving books !!


~ jasmine Raghtate

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