

Dear Myself
I’m sorry I forgot about forgetting about the person,
The inner child still healing from all the deaths these past few years,
For all the people who’ve made fun of you for just living life and people telling you to just ignore it.

Thank you for not listening to them and moving on,
Everthing you’ve achieved is enough,
Who cares what bad things people think and say about you,
I’m just so happy you get to do what you like and want to do.

Life is hard sometimes,
Sometimes your friends can talk to you,
Other days it just naturally might stop,
The most important thing though is you didn’t give up!

Some people might say life is life,
Others might say that bad things happen,
They might also say to look on the bright side,
What do I say though?,
I say that you need to try and appreciate yourself because no matter what you’re race, gender, sexuality or religion,
We’re just people who sometimes need a bit of guidance!
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