

sand & soul
A leisurely stroll along the shoreline,
With the soft sand cushioning your bare soles,
You find yourselves in close proximity,
Sharing a dialogue that, while fleeting, is filled with warmth,
The exchange is light-hearted and full of playful teasing.
As the gentle waves lap at your feet,
The scent of salt and sea breeze envelops you,
Each word spoken carries a hint of shared secrets,
You steal glances at one another,
The atmosphere is charged with a delightful energy,
Moments like this linger in the memory,
The simplicity of the setting enhances the bond,
Your laughter mingles with the sounds of the ocean,
And for that brief encounter, the world fades away,
Leaving just the two of you and your shared intimacy,
A perfect encapsulation of joy found in the little things.