

I seek comfort
Take me back to the days mother
When I had no worries,
Sing me a lullaby,
Tell me everything will be alright,
Pat me on the back,
Assure me that you'll never leave me

Take me back to the days mother!
The days when we danced naked so innocently in the rain
Sing me a lullaby
When your melodious voice conquered all fears

Take me back to the days mother
Where heartbreaks never existed
For the joy of childhood overshadows all the troubles that are to come
Whisper to me that I'll be alright
Sing me a sweet lullaby to soothe my aching heart

Take me back to the days oh sweet mother,
When living a successful life wasn't so Herculean,
When my oversized apparels were my most priciest possessions,
You taught me to be contented
Your words still ring like a bell in my ears.

Place my poor head on your soft thighs mother,
That is the only place I long to be,
Hold me close,hug me tight,
Put my hand close to your beating heart,
Dance to the beat of my drums once more mother,
For The love of a mother can never be measured.

© Ani .T. chinaza