

Stoats: Masters of Survival and Adaptation"
**In Winter's White Cloak**

Silent prowler, cloaked in frost's embrace,
You navigate the winter woods, unseen,
A flicker in the periphery of day,
Your slender form, in fur of white, pristine.

When twilight weaves its tapestry of gray,
You thread the needle through the deepening night,
A ghostly hunter, agile in the fray,
The snow, your canvas, blank and pure, alight.

Within the sanctum of the ancient pines,
Your secrets dwell, in burrows deep and cold,
A lineage traced through labyrinthine lines,
Where primal instincts intertwine with bold.

Oh, stoat, with ermine guise, you court the wind,
A paradox of purity and might,
Both predator and prey, your fate is twinned,
In nature's cruel, yet harmonious rite.

The seasons turn, and with them, so do you,
Your coat, a testament to time's decree,
From white to brown, as skies shift from their blue,
Your form, a cipher of the earth and sea.

Thus, wrapped in mystery, you dance alone,
An enigma in the frozen dawn's first light,
The wild's relentless call, your monotone,
A testament to life's unyielding fight.
The poem captures the stoat's transformation to ermine in winter, its role as both predator and prey, and its existence within the harsh yet beautiful natural world.

#To all writco family.
Just one more step.
© faintest_pen