

If I were a man
I'd sleep till I had none left
not having to worry of what to do
or the shouting of my name
in the wee hours of the morning
I'd wake up to a meal
eat to my fill
being encouraged to eat more
as a man should
I'd then take a seat
and see the table being cleared

I'd go back to my room
and do a thing or two
or maybe take a walk
as await for some lunch to be made
I know the dishes and house will be cleaned
I don't need to worry about that
not a burden for me to bear
When lunch is ready
I know I'll be called
no hurry I can finish what I'm doing later
I'll be free anyway

In the evening
I'd take a walk for hours
it's good for my health
it's safe for me to go out
my parents don't have a problem with that
I'd visit my friends
come back at 9pm
welcomed with a smile and a meal

I'd go to bed early if I want to
or maybe watch a movie or two after dinner
I can now relax
and reflect on my memories for the day
wishing I get another break
to spend time at home
a relaxing and luxurious break

but only...
If I were a man

#writco #writcopoems #poetry #culture #society #societynorms #normal

© angelawrites