She is nothing without the Sun
The days grew shorter, with less sunlight.
No sounds were heard thoughout the night.
Only the knocking of fear at the door, she couldn't bear it, not anymore.
Her body is trembling and icy cold, She built up some courage, and walked to the door.
Screams of agony filled up the air, Her mind started racing, imagining what's there.
The handle turned ever so slow in her hand, now it is open and she is condemned.
The darkness came rushing into the room, it could smell her fear and prayed on it too.
She was crying in pain, how could this be true, she was lost now and knew nothing to do.
The evil consumed her every move, it took her thoughts over, told her what to do.
She tried to resist, tried to break free, but she was too weak and fell to her knees.
With her last breath, she recited a prayer, without even knowing, what she needed was there.
With all hope lost, she felt hollow inside, she wanted it over, she was willing to die.
But out of the silence, came a voice only she knew, it was calling her name,
and shined like the moon.
He lingers beside her, he will always be there, these are the words he whispered with care.
"You are stronger than this and you never give in, You fight this evil, you know that you can. Believe in yourself, remember who you are, there is nothing that can hurt you, cause you are a Star."
She grew more confident and stood up tall, she remembered what she was all along.
How could I forget and let fear forsake me, I am much stronger than all these dark things.
With just one thought of laughter and love, the whole room brightened up and the darkness dissolved.
She thought of the joy and happiness, for this is the cure to defeat the darkness.
For her mind has the power to change anything, she thinks of good thoughts and that's what it brings.
She was the power, this entire time, but he was the one who makes her shine. Without him there, she would stumble and fall, be lost forever, be nothing at all.
And the whole world would be over, no more left to see. No more sunsets in the evening, not even stars shining.
No one knows just how important they are, for she is called Mother Earth and he is her Star.
She needs him to Love her and be by her side, cause he is the Sun that keeps her Alive.🦋