

where when why
where did they go,
does anyone REALLY know,
like we hear all the theories,
some shit we read,
it says apparently it's a
part of our history,
some believe some don't
but is it true or a crack heads mind gone wild ( actually I don't even think crazy ppl are going wild they sence more then we know kinda like a child or am inl crazy too with out the crack just add trauma but back to what I was sayiin that's a story for a different day)
when they get taken away,
what happens to their soul what happens to their memories,
what happens to their love,
is it even true that memories are the only thing we take to our grave,
or does everything just disappear for them, and come to us in flashbacks, it's like Fuckiin dust, the shit we do they there nearly every move you start to remember and admire the little things
but where are they now,
reancarnarnation is what I've believed my whole life but I believe in ghosts too but no God don't exist we just a movie for the aliens life's twists strange thoughts go through my mind they all conspiracies I know but u hear weird shit all the time, but does it plague your mind like it does mine, when u lose a loved one do wonder if they reancarnated if so how long does that take,
what happens in the mean time is there a check list and things they must to is to make it to the "other side" is there really a heaven and a hell of is it reancarnarnation or ghosting as your final call, I am confused and I am baffled my mind tells me so much more but that shit my conspiracy, my over thinking me wonderingwhy everyone I love just leaving, I get when they old like my Nan bless her soul, I'm shattered each day when it's an accident like my brother he was only 5 on his bday my dad switched off his life support machine, I can only imagine how hard it is when u reach that point

© sandiiRsalt