


A child I was,
Playful, stubborn and rough,
Wanting to explore, this panoptic world,
And every single nook I took,
Took me places, so new,
A mind, yet so tender,
To explore, was the main agenda.

A teen I was,
Not caring what was more,
To this life, but to have fun,
Everyday wasted on socials,
And unimportant proposals,
Making the couch a best friend,
Just to see, what's on the trend,
Little time spent to explore,
More time spent to enjoy,
On things with irrelevance,
Just to feel a little acceptance.

An adult I was,
Trying to carter for loved ones,
Not having enough time for self,
So as not to be put on the shelf,
Work, work, work, in the head it played,
Rest, rest, rest, in the head it delayed,
Every morning out of bed,
To survive, before the day ends,
Now, where is that little child,
Who just wanted to explore, this I asked.

An oldie I was,
Remembering past memories,
A life not well spent, I thought,
No dreams achieved, I checked in the diaries,
If only self love and resilience was more,
A dream would have been achieved, with so much love.

Now you see,
A child, a teen, an adult, an oldie,
Are all four stages of life,
That grooms us, in all pages,
That life has already written,
Dreams, goals, ambitions, all that shouldn't be forgotten,
So lets live our beautiful dreams,
And colorful, as flowers, in the end, they'll be.

© agwunobi Sophia