

Death Rattle
So here I sit alone in silence
More lonely than when I'm alone
My heart and head so full of violence
Guess I'll just waste time on my phone

Should I put something on the TV?
This feeling, is it why I sin?
Do people out here truly see me?
I'm drunk before noon once again...

How to convince myself its worth it...
I've made it through another year...
What will my children think about it?
Father's become his own worst fear

To die and then to be forgotten
To lose control before the end
What I deserve is what I've gotten
With not a dime left I can spend

I call you out and you don't like it
Uncomfortable but know I'm right
The the thing that makes you want to try it
Is lacking reasons that you fight

In sleep you seem to find your solace
But dreams, they always turn on you
The brass, on the Titanic polished
Yet angry 'bout the cost that's due

Under the water there's a pressure
That no one on the land can know
The lacking of a unit, measured
To tell you just how far to go

You'd rather run than face your faults,
The list of demons grows
The heights that you're prepared to vault
Does more than serve to show

That dangerous is introspection,
It hurts us, we evolve
And rarely do we give inspection to
The things that were involved

A tool that often cripples us
A double edge'ed sword
The tiny thing left to fester
That thing becomes our Lord

Now gods become a source of power,
Power we can hold...
And never mind the consequence,
Our souls we all have sold

You all point your thumb at the ground
Send the warrior to death
All the other gladiators
Watch me draw my final breath

When I fought no one defeated me
On my brow laid a wreath
Now the greatest man of warfare
He will fertilize the heath

But the growing of the grasses
From the shuf'ling of my coil
Is much kinder than the masses
And too their preappointed toil

And we all, we all are fated
Our blood this machine's red oil
No matter how high we're rated
We will one day all be soil
© David Hafley