

the mirror
I look into the mirror I can see you.. but do I know you like I should ??

I see the scars you have endured must keep them hidden for sure Les you be judged by those who thank themselves wise or use it as excuses to phasilitate lies

it's when you lie to yourself you do yourself un just the cost is a price that will have major impacts on your life.

leaving you to question what's wrong what's Right to wake one morning and your lifes changed overnight

wife betrayed left in an unrespectful way soon after my daughter 18 is found dead overdosed is what they said you have grown numb alive but dead

pain and tradgedy have consumed you.
your tired of this mondane everyone's the same.
as you repeat cycles again and again unfaithful women unfaithul friends unfaithful family who help orhastrate your fall in the end because you see the true them.

30 years the same blood sweat tears in fight with the same fears beat them down in front just to sneak back around and attack you from the rear .

everyday climbing up that hill on the way loosing yourself a little more each day for what.!??when you get there there's it's a clouded view there's no one left standing next to you to share the mood
they all fell off the ride or dies and what nots .
you stand on top realizing it's a lonely spot
© David Barrett