

I am a gita
what a gita does is war
i am a gita
i am a women
whod like to kill just one
lamb or bear
like warriors do

i love them
but sacrifice is needed
in war and i long for war
cause i love my family
and i feel like there being tried
there safe theyll survive
i never denied
i prayed and cried

i am also a gita
a bhagvad gita
with good sense
invested in war
and at the saddle
hou run cota my horse
shes more then a boss
shes a beast

i am like her
a warrior goddess
thats been through mental war
the worst war
but now i train
with my body mind and spirit
that vould never be touched
it could only lust

but in that case id fail
i cant lie nor steal
i can only ride it out
but inside i will
inside i forfill my dream
and ill never lose in war
just in case i was
immortal like i dream

who knows were this war
can take us right
it could take us down
the unwinding road
thats hard to go down as well
but id care or bail
cota taught me to be a gita
and shes my greatest luck

but in life upu have to
put your best face forward
what about rhe next life
has any body taught you
well im here now so cota
and im a beast like you
i love u she says
yayyy for her

well theres my advice
i am a gita
thankyou bhagvad gita
be blessed and study girls :)
© gk