

A Love Letter

I miss your smile...

I miss your laugh...

I miss holding your hand...

I miss hugging you...

Your picture's in my wallet...

It's a picture of the two of us together...

Two smiling, loving faces...

Now we're not together...

You're there... I'm here...

This can't last forever, can it?...

Most days I come home, my eyes tear up...

Some days, I cry like a baby...

I cry because I'm entering my apartment, not our apartment...

We were planning a life together...

Now we're apart...

You said that you don't love me anymore...

You said that I don't think of us as a family...

All I think of is myself...

How could you think that?...

I think of you every day...

I bless the day I met you...

I detest the day I lost you...

I saw a rainbow the other day...

It might as well have been black and white...

© Jessi stay miraculous