

If I could help myself I would,
if I tried, the past would be understood,
the time is short, it skips my life,
I am aware of slipping away,
Heartbreak at every corner,
who do I trust,
why do you do this to me?
the thistle is purple,
the raven is black,
but who are you,
a person who takes away everything you want to see,
why can't I just be me?

Die I say to my feelings,
the lights flicker,
the people scream,
I need their energy,
to feel what I need to be human, like everyone else,
the thistle is blue,
the raven is orange,
I'm dying.

outside pure white,
inside dark as night,
horrors one could not write,
memories of a life left behind,
the thistle is empty,
the raven has died,
just like me, colorless and dead inside.