

Chaotic Life

In this life, we toil and strive,
Endure the lows and soar through highs.
We experience gains, we suffer loss,
Encounter bliss, then bear the cross.

Overcoming negativity's might,
Embracing positivity, we take flight.
We stand tall, both weak and strong,
Conquering battles that come along.

Can we vanquish all the negativity,
Find happiness and true tranquility?
Seeking wealth to meet our needs,
Surviving through our noble deeds.

Longing to discover a soulmate's embrace,
Building trust, love's sacred space.
I yearn to be more than enough,
Content with blessings, finding true love.

Never to be forgotten, my heartfelt plea,
More abundance, love, and harmony.
Summoning strength each passing day,
May my wishes come true, I gently pray.
© Janefeances Adimachukwu