

My Life An Open Book
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey
Despite an open book,
no one bothered to look,
Could have tried to understand,
All they did is misunderstad
A book not a puzzle so hard,
Just flip through pages; as if a card,
There lies a difference between,
'Try and did' one must ascertain.
Looking for the dictionary to read
No need just a lucid book I plead
A book that walks and speaks,
Yearns for readers who smiles,
Many a good things I learn & incorporate,
that's the way of life so I cooperate,
For a book is good if it improves,
Like a music better if one grooves
A book that has something to teach,
A number of hearts it aims to reach
So that it helps someone in need,
Because that knows a heart that bleed,
Sprinkles love and kindness,
with each of the words priceless

Loads of love from Blossom 💕