

born natural
creepin in the jungle, im here for real
got my automatic machinegun ready looking for someone to kill
the bushes are heavy
my burden to bare
spot out the enemy
1000 yard stare
ending lives everyday is a thing for me
how else would I have it
land of the brave
home of the free
nothing else matters i can give a shit less
living in this chaos
is a god damn living mess
theres anguish from all who had to fight
no more do i know my mission
no longer know whats right
I'm a born legend,
i dont have any fear
no tolerance for mayhem
killing a way out
while not shedding a tear
the darkened sky is blanketed by smoke
ammunition ready
this shit aint no joke
blat blat blat bop bop bop, my machinegun said!
point it at my enemy
shooting them all fucking dead!
hopefully freedom is something still worth fighting for
this is why so many die
i value my freedom
U.S. Marine Corp
chaos thunders across this land.
machinegun and i give a helping hand.
i salute nobody, im on my own.
just doing what comes natural,
my instincts come out
never shown.
I'll piss on the wounded
cuz ya'll pussies got shot,
kill them for slippin
shouldnt have got caught.
never will happen as i breathe air
i will kill any amount of fuckers
and i will not care
haha haha i laugh as you fall dead
blood spraying out from being shot in the head
why you ask do i love to end lives
go ask your mothers, nieces and wives
© Derrick Peterson