

Reading a book, Evelyn was calm,
As the world burned outside.
As she breathed in and out,
There was no reason to hide.

Why hide? You may be thinking,
She had to hide from the witches and ghouls,
Who only wanted her beauty and power,
They called her a flower,
Chrysanthemum as her middle name.

" Mother and Father told me to stay inside,
to hide away from the ghosts outside.
Whatever they seek, I must ignore,
For I am the person that they adore?"

Baffled and confused, Evelyn carried on reading,
The book was amazing, she thought she was dreaming,
A garden of lillies surrounding the main charecter,
As they dance freely.
The trees surrounded the garden,
Making an arch in the sky,
Why couldn't she be the main charecter?
What were the reasons why?

" I wish I could do that",
The little girl thought.
" My parents are ever so strict.
They will tell me anything they want,
And argue with me ever so quick."

Evelyn hurried into a corner,
And quietly looked outside for bombs,
As she was only imagining,
What was she thinking?

Evelyn's mother walked up to the hut,
And walked up to the door,
As she thought she was not safe,
That wasn't true anymore.

She went back home, all nice and warm,
Wearing old winter clothes,
And delicious food on the table, pie,
A family food staple.

Mother dished the food out,
Brother continued chatting.
Evelyn was looking happy on the outside,
But as her brother joked, she was laughing.

"A family of fairies!" Said a voice from afar.
As it was Lady Michelle,
Coming to capture them,
This was the moment she was waiting for.

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