

In The Rain And Out
We were both in the rain when we met .She was young I was twice her age.She was a trouble soul.I was a trouble soul.I fell for her and her story. She been on her own since she was thirteen.By now she was in her twenties.She been to hell and back more time then she can count.I been in the rain seventeen years I got out only for a moment and here I was back in again.When she told me her story there was a tear in my eye .We hookup for the night .We smoked till all the money was gone late into the night .When she left i was sure I would never see her again but there she was waiting for me after work .We hookup again doing this for nine months .I wanted better for both of us .I left the rain hoping to better myself and hoping to come back and get her and we could live happily ever after.I went into a rehab and got clean and sober. Seven months I managed to get my veterans pension .i got an appartment got a car and was on my way to a life worth living.I went back for her brought her to my home .i fed and clothed her put weight back on her got her hair done.But she was not clean nor sober.I tried and tried to should her a better way .Those streets called her daily and off she went .after nine years and more hell dhe put herself in to I had to let her go and stay where she felt at home. After a long time I had not seen or heard from her i hot the word she had passed from a overdose .I found out to late to go yo her funeral.She never came out the rain in fact she stayed in the rain till she died. I am still out of the rain I will miss her Thank You Lord.