

For the Wanderers
Drifting as a bleeding branch at sea,
Looking blind at all in front of me,
Wondering as I am, where I have gone and where I have been,
What is this pain that's growing within?

Let go.
How do you let it go? The water is bright red with pain, you know you'll never be the same.
Drifting still, drifting alone, drifting silent,
But the once calm sea has become merciless and violent.
A storm has formed but the rage is familiar and welcoming,
a sense of peace comes from what you thought drowning,
The storm rages with all you cannot say, all you cannot scream as everything in it's path is swept away.
Deep beneath the surface now, there's nothing to fight, straight above there's rays of light.
Strange that death does not come to you as you're deep in the water,
you take your first breath and everything feels lighter.

As quick as it came, the storm and all your pain has passed, it hurts no more, you're free at last.
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