

Entry 1.
Dear Self,
Dear self how can you stand all this pain? When will it be your last day. You question whether anyone love’s you no matter how surrounded you may be. You question if your lover even cares if you breathe. Dear self, how much longer can you stand your own skin. How long will it be until you start to rip it again. Your sanity is slowly slipping away, and your heart is doing more than just a break. Its as if you willingly put it out as a doormat, hoping someone will stomp on it and kick it around. Is it a toy you can lend? Is it not worth much value? No one told me how much it costs to have it in your chest, they just tell you to play nice hoping someone will return the gest. But how long will your soul take this damage it constantly receives? No respect is given to you no matter how much you gave. Your limit is nearing, I can slowly tell. Its becoming more visible as the minutes come by. You are ready to give it all up, You gave your heart and soul, but you gave too much. This time your life might be worth more than what you have done. Maybe then someone will love you or think of you when the time has come. Dear Self, hang in there please. At least try to make it to tomorrow, to next week. Its gonna be ok, I cant promise you for sure, but I want you to believe it just a little longer. You stay in there and hang onto whatever you have left, just one more string attached is all you need.

- Yours Truly.
© grey:D