

Magic Tricks
The Greatest Illusion
The bible says in Joshua 10:12-14, that the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day, but then came men claiming that the sun is the center of the universe

UFOs cities were build off that lie, and now day and nights, here they are looking for these fallen angels they called aliens

Thru pseudoscience, blasphemy of the celestial bodies is established, here comes 13 again

Not to be trouble, their story was already in the text and it's just another part of the test

For “As it was in the days of Noeh, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.”

The devil uses the names of Roman’s gods to entice the inhabitants of the plane and they are mesmerize by the illustrations of the illusion

Slow and steady the enemy has build his case, but just like the Sun of righteousness slow and steady wins the race

Universum is the root word for universe, you should look it up

There is only one True God, unchangeable, unchalllengeable and immortal...