

What If ?
What if I told you how I feel ?
What if I liked you from the beginning?
All the years I known you I was only considered to you a friend.
If I would had said something sooner would things still be the same or would they had changed ?
I've been feeling this way for a while.
I'm just wondering if you feel the same.
What if I told you and you end up not feeling the same ?
Would we still be friends ?
What if me telling you this made you feel uncomfortable?
You've been talking to all these other women but they never seem to have your love for long before it's gone.
It was always she was clingy , I didn't like this I didn't like that.
But you always stayed in contact with me.
Is it because I was your good friend or could their be more.
What if I told you how I feel? Could we make this relationship something for real?
© Kay Inspired