

Through Heaven & Hell
In the realm where shadows and light collide,
A man sets forth on a perilous quest,
To seek the love his heart cannot abide,
His journey through life, heaven, and hell, he'll press.

Through treacherous paths and steep, endless climbs,
He battles demons within and without,
With trembling limbs and faith that sometimes, dims,
He stumbles forward, driven by love's devout.

Through murky swamps and valleys of despair,
He dodges temptation's seductive snares,
His soul burdened with trials yet to bear,
He perseveres, for the woman who cares.

Though a thousand lifetimes he must traverse,
His heart sustains an unwavering fire,
Within his soul, a passion that comes first,
For her love, he persists, never to tire.

And finally, after eons have passed,
He arrives at the treasure he's long sought,
Her love, more precious than gems amassed,
A mosaic of beauty and the love he thought.

Her touch, like soft light from angel's abode,
Fills him with bliss, his heart finds sweet repose,
In her embrace, his strongest love is owed,
Her love, the eternal balm for his woes.

Oh, how her love sparkles, a gemstone rare,
Brighter than all earthly treasures combined,
It purifies his soul, removes all despair,
In her love's embrace, he's truly defined.

The repetition of his toiling past,
Reveals the cyclical nature of time,
But his love for her, forever will last,
Eternally bound, in a love so divine.
© NightSwimThePoet