

Glimpse of a Star
I woke up ,
woke up with eyes darkeling
and a glimpse of star
still in mind
which I thought was sparkling .

I saw myself lost in a Woodland
I kept wandering,
wandering for my star
which was nowhere to be found
after travelling miles around.

All I could see was a colour peach-black
silent screaming in my head
and trees of thoughts
growing with an engimatic bark.

Time and again, the moon smiled ,clusters blossomed , eyes made an effort to glitter
but night grew misty and took away star from my sight which was to give me light .

I waited,
waited till the end of runway
for my star , my beacon of hope ,
a shining ray that guides my way with a dazzling ray .

I heard it knocking,
knocking at the door of my enclave
with its charismatic light, rescuing mind which was a slave

The moon smiled, clusters blossomed ,night got clearer , my eyes glittered

Everything was bright
with gingling thuds in my mind and trees of thoughts taking a flight .

© Ztar