

ALONE (Social impairment)
In the midst of the crowd,
A loner struggles to find their own ground
Voices swirl in a cacophonous tide,
Yet, a wall of silence stands by their side
They struggle amidst people,
But finds peace in their alone time.

In the quiet corners of a crowded space,
A loner finds a tranquil place
Among the noise, they're still, calm stream,
Finding comfort in their own esteem.
While others chase the crowd's embrace,
They cherish time in their own space.

In isolation, they seems to make friends,
In a world they created for themselves
In the quiet of their own space,
A different light can be traced,
The moment turned on and the mood raised

The laughter of others feels so near,
Yet never reaches and never clear
A barrier unseen, a social shroud,
They linger on the outskirts of the crowd
The world becomes a foreign ground,
With their voices lost and relationships cut

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