

The Golden Tree
The Golden Tree
It gave essence to living
It gave worth to every breathe
It gave every one ahead meaning
Tomorrow became a must see
To trek to it became a must do.
Death while trying was an honor
than living never getting to it
The journey was tough and rough
but it's pain was worth enduring
I had so much to lose
but I couldn't stand losing it
and if rules prevented me from getting it,
I wouldn't hesitate to break them
Getting to the Golden Tree became an obsession
it was an ambition that masked my vision
it sure did take out taking over my soul.
The concentration and diligence
were all for the crown

And when that time came the finish line crossed
mission was complete goal achieved
and a call for celebration did sound right
I had done it despite the troughs and crests
I'd admit along the way pride took over
but then I was too blind to realize
Biggest reality check and longest of destiny calls
I never thought I'd lose all the ones I loved
just to say I had made it that far
I couldn't believe I had lost them all
over a round of applause and hats off I sort
It was like crossing the finish line victorious
but none was there to celebrate it with you
My friends told me to stay humble
that was all they asked of me

© ceazar