

BY C Wynter

"Aren't you going to take a bath?, I can see the dirt Upon your skin",
And then I feel like total crap, as depression goes further in,
How do I explain that I don't have the energy to get things done?,
That I'm trying so hard to be normal, but deep down I want to run,
Bed rotting in the daily, I have no motivation for life,
"it's like you've given up", yes, I'm tired of this fight,
"you've got to get yourself out of this", dammit is it really that easy?,
Cause for sure I would have done so instead of living in misery,
I am tired of me, Lost to mental, I begin to hate myself,
"self care is important ", but i just can't, I don't deserve good health,
For I am nothing, just a failure stealing breath on the daily,
Existing in a world that just leaves me behind to face this crazy,
So I mask, a pretense that hasn't failed me yet, for no one can be trusted,
With these thoughts and these feelings that leave me utterly disgusted.

© C.Wynter