

Beauty Of Flaws
I saw a castle, a castle in the sky,
It was so high, it was so high.
When I stepped inside, it was quiet.
Between the walls, the dust resides.
So, the beauty has some flaws,
That is what I find, in that castle of sky.

I then looked into the bright sky,
In the flawless beautiful night,
Millions, no billions of stars there I saw
I agree they were not too bright,
But you still see sporadic chime
Such their beauty was as fine

When the wind was absent,
The birds couldn't fly,
Some if they do but not so high.
Even in the deserts,and in the sky,
The light if not reached to mirrors,
Can never I see face of my.

In the houses of the rich fellows,
Stepped into and I heard a cry,
Something was going on inside.
Maybe the children were weeping,
Maybe the man and his wife fighting, Over what is wrong what is right.

Now I see the beauty in everything.
In the colors of a beautiful paintings,
And in the old pictures of black and white,
Both were enough to make me smile.

© krish_is_not_a_poet