

Is he love me ?
I thought a lot wether he is or he is not,
sometimes his eyes seems he's lying,
but sometimes '' nope I'm wrong'',
sometimes in the search of bed,
I used to fell sleep on his head,
but sometimes I'm faking to sleep to see what he sees under his shades,
sometimes he let me sleep and he does everything to make me sleep in deep,
but other times , he pushes me '' idiot my shoulder is so fragile you witch'',
sometimes he feel jealous when I'm talking to somone special,
but other time idiot doesn't even care,
sometimes he proudly grab my hand while walking in the sand,
but other times he's that busy that he does not even look back,
He do smiles but he make sure that he's not in my sight,
even though we are far about of miles he can see me in the dark night,
Is he love me or is he afraid that I might break our friendship on his confess,
Someone please tell him that I too love him,
wether we do breakup or patch up in lovey relation ,
he's permanent in my life as my family member.

© Mukesh Kumar Gupta