

She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she shed...
The city where she roams,
Has no mercy on her bones,
There's no concerning ear
to listen to her groans.
She paints a smile for the passer byes. Yet underneath she's drowning in her grief,She watches all the happy people go about their day and wonders where they go at night cuz she has no place to stay.She lives vicariously through a narrow looking glass ,looking at the beautiful people as they are walking past.Ladies in their freshly laundered dresses,Probably never making messes.Guys nicely shaven smelling of the finest cologne looking at their Rolexs and talking on their phone.Every day
she lives in the grey alone.She catches a glimpse of herself as she walks by a mirrored building.Her wind blown hair and daunted stare ,She has lost the sparkle in her eyes and her skin that was once so fair shows
the miles that she has traveled
replaced with aged despair. Piss and dog shit fill the air with burnt foils and syringes laying everywhere.Insanity in living color as addicts share diseases with each other Aids,and Syflis Staff and more if your curious to explore the concrete jungles bottom floor,You just might find what your looking for .She has had all she can stand and still lost reaching for a door that opportunity doesn't knock on for her anymore.She has no pictures from her past of family or friends.She lost them somewhere along the way back where it did begin.She longs to see a familiar face walking in the crowd ,She swears that she sees
them once in a while and yells their name out loud.But it's never who she thinks it is,Always just another face
She always wanted to live here
in this place.

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