

the palm of hardship.
the amount of troubles you have
even got to smile.

with a gun or knife
in the dark trace
did you hear the whisper of your race.

my heart was burning.
we're look like smoke
gradually disappearing.

kid quickly pick up the pace
Dodge the bomb and win the case
aim the pride look up high
this is not how the wave good bye.

don't stay out late ,
lest you'll be mistaken
be the next one dead

think slowly
lost and confused
the past is accepted for the brand-new hope.
the beach of freedom turn to grave
the moaning and weaping
in this valley of death.

the color and brand shouldn't be enemies.
so many are on there knees
Justice served for peace.

the unfold pages
have yet to come
the history repeat till we take the final bond.
© kimbe